| Competitive and Recreational Sports |
Interscholastic sports are great, but there is also a place for other competitive and recreational sports. Here at the James River Eagles, we are seeking to provide fun, recreational, and competitive opportunities for students, and although we're still growing this aspect of our athletic program, as coaches and gyms permit we may offer the following programs: Please consider joining us - we'd love to have you!
![]() | Co-Rec Volleyball | |
From time to time as coaching and gyms permit the James River Eagles will offer co-ed recreational volleyball (beginners through advanced players) in the form of Open gyms and/or 4 or 6 week sessions. Beginners and intermediates (those with little or no or experience) are on one court and our advanced players will be on the second court. Players are given instruction, drills, and game play for those with beginner and intermediate skills. The advanced players also do some skill developing drills, but will mostly be playing games. Sign up to be on our mailing list to get all the updates. |
![]() | Recreational BasketballCOMING SOON TO THE EAGLES PROGRAM! | |
Do you have a homeschool student who likes basketball, but your family schedule is such that you can't commit to a full blown interscholastic team with multiple practices and games on multiple nights each week? The James River Eagles would like to offer a recreational basketball program this winter on Friday evenings in south Richmond for homeschooled students in middle school and high school. This is not an instructional league, just an opportunity for Sign up to be on our mailing list to get all the updates. |